The CachingIterator class

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)


This object supports cached iteration over another iterator.

Class synopsis

class CachingIterator extends IteratorIterator implements ArrayAccess, Countable, Stringable {
/* Constants */
public const int CALL_TOSTRING;
public const int CATCH_GET_CHILD;
public const int TOSTRING_USE_KEY;
public const int TOSTRING_USE_INNER;
public const int FULL_CACHE;
/* Methods */
public __construct(Iterator $iterator, int $flags = CachingIterator::CALL_TOSTRING)
public count(): int
public current(): mixed
public getCache(): array
public getFlags(): int
public hasNext(): bool
public key(): scalar
public next(): void
public offsetExists(string $key): bool
public offsetGet(string $key): mixed
public offsetSet(string $key, mixed $value): void
public offsetUnset(string $key): void
public rewind(): void
public setFlags(int $flags): void
public __toString(): string
public valid(): bool
/* Inherited methods */

Predefined Constants


Convert every element to string.


Don't throw exception in accessing children.


Use key for conversion to string.


Use current for conversion to string.


Use inner for conversion to string.


Cache all read data.


Version Description
8.0.0 CachingIterator implements Stringable now.

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