The DOMAttr class

(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)


DOMAttr represents an attribute in the DOMElement object.

Class synopsis

class DOMAttr extends DOMNode {
/* Properties */
public readonly string $name;
public readonly bool $specified = true;
public string $value;
public readonly ?DOMElement $ownerElement;
public readonly mixed $schemaTypeInfo = null;
/* Inherited properties */
public readonly string $nodeName;
public readonly int $nodeType;
public readonly ?DOMNode $parentNode;
public readonly ?DOMElement $parentElement;
public readonly DOMNodeList $childNodes;
public readonly ?DOMNode $firstChild;
public readonly ?DOMNode $lastChild;
public readonly ?DOMNode $previousSibling;
public readonly ?DOMNode $nextSibling;
public readonly ?DOMNamedNodeMap $attributes;
public readonly bool $isConnected;
public readonly ?DOMDocument $ownerDocument;
public readonly ?string $namespaceURI;
public string $prefix;
public readonly ?string $localName;
public readonly ?string $baseURI;
/* Methods */
public __construct(string $name, string $value = "")
public isId(): bool
/* Inherited methods */
public DOMNode::C14N(
    bool $exclusive = false,
    bool $withComments = false,
    ?array $xpath = null,
    ?array $nsPrefixes = null
): string|false
public DOMNode::C14NFile(
    string $uri,
    bool $exclusive = false,
    bool $withComments = false,
    ?array $xpath = null,
    ?array $nsPrefixes = null
): int|false
public DOMNode::isEqualNode(?DOMNode $otherNode): bool
public DOMNode::isSameNode(DOMNode $otherNode): bool
public DOMNode::isSupported(string $feature, string $version): bool



The name of the attribute.


The element which contains the attribute or null.


Not implemented yet, always is null.


Not implemented yet, always is true.


The value of the attribute.


Note, XML entities are expanded upon setting a value. Thus the & character has a special meaning. Setting value to itself will fail when value contains an &. To avoid entity expansion, use DOMElement::setAttribute() instead.

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