
(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

imap_headerinfoRead the header of the message


    IMAP\Connection $imap,
    int $message_num,
    int $from_length = 0,
    int $subject_length = 0
): stdClass|false

Gets information about the given message number by reading its headers.



IMAP\Connection 实例。


The message number


Number of characters for the fetchfrom property. Must be greater than or equal to zero.


Number of characters for the fetchsubject property Must be greater than or equal to zero.



Returns false on error or, if successful, the information in an object with following properties:

  • toaddress - full to: line, up to 1024 characters
  • to - an array of objects from the To: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • fromaddress - full from: line, up to 1024 characters
  • from - an array of objects from the From: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • ccaddress - full cc: line, up to 1024 characters
  • cc - an array of objects from the Cc: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • bccaddress - full bcc: line, up to 1024 characters
  • bcc - an array of objects from the Bcc: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • reply_toaddress - full Reply-To: line, up to 1024 characters
  • reply_to - an array of objects from the Reply-To: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • senderaddress - full sender: line, up to 1024 characters
  • sender - an array of objects from the Sender: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • return_pathaddress - full Return-Path: line, up to 1024 characters
  • return_path - an array of objects from the Return-Path: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
  • remail -
  • date - The message date as found in its headers
  • Date - Same as date
  • subject - The message subject
  • Subject - Same as subject
  • in_reply_to -
  • message_id -
  • newsgroups -
  • followup_to -
  • references -
  • Recent - R if recent and seen, N if recent and not seen, ' ' if not recent.
  • Unseen - U if not seen AND not recent, ' ' if seen OR not seen and recent
  • Flagged - F if flagged, ' ' if not flagged
  • Answered - A if answered, ' ' if unanswered
  • Deleted - D if deleted, ' ' if not deleted
  • Draft - X if draft, ' ' if not draft
  • Msgno - The message number
  • MailDate -
  • Size - The message size
  • udate - mail message date in Unix time
  • fetchfrom - from line formatted to fit from_length characters
  • fetchsubject - subject line formatted to fit subject_length characters


版本 说明
8.1.0 现在 imap 参数接受 IMAP\Connection 实例,之前接受有效的 imap resource
8.0.0 The unused defaulthost parameter has been removed.


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