
(PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

DOMDocument::createAttributeNS Create new attribute node with an associated namespace


public DOMDocument::createAttributeNS(?string $namespace, string $qualifiedName): DOMAttr|false

This function creates a new instance of class DOMAttr. This node will not show up in the document unless it is inserted with (e.g.) DOMNode::appendChild().



The URI of the namespace.


The tag name and prefix of the attribute, as prefix:tagname.

Return Values

The new DOMAttr or false if an error occurred.



Raised if qualifiedName contains an invalid character.


Raised if qualifiedName is a malformed qualified name, or if qualifiedName has a prefix and namespace is null.


Version Description
8.3.0 Calling this method without specifying a prefix will now choose a prefix instead of assuming the default namespace. Previously this would create an attribute without a prefix and incorrectly apply the namespace to the owner element because default namespaces don't apply on attributes.
8.3.0 Calling this method using a prefix that was already declared on the owner element with a different namespace URI will now change the new prefix to avoid creating namespace conflicts. This aligns the behaviour with the DOM specification. Previously this threw a DOMException with code DOM_NAMESPACE_ERR.

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