
这些函数的行为受 php.ini 中的设置影响。

Memcached 配置选项
名字 默认 可修改范围 更新日志
memcached.sess_locking On INI_ALL 自 memcached 0.1.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_consistent_hash On INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.1.0 起可用。自 memcached 3.0.0 起默认值为 On
memcached.sess_binary Off INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.0.0 起可用。自 memcached 3.0.0 起改用 memcached.sess_binary_protocol
memcached.sess_lock_wait 150000 INI_ALL 自 memcached 0.1.0 起可用。自 memcached 3.0.0 起移除。
memcached.sess_prefix memc.sess.key. INI_ALL 自 memcached 0.1.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_number_of_replicas 0 INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.1.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_randomize_replica_read Off INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.1.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_remove_failed On INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.1.0 起可用。自 memcached 3.0.0 起改用 memcached.sess_remove_failed_servers
memcached.compression_type fastlz INI_ALL 自 memcached 0.1.0 起可用。
memcached.compression_factor 1.3 INI_ALL 自 memcached 0.1.0 起可用。
memcached.compression_threshold 2000 INI_ALL 自 memcached 0.1.0 起可用。
memcached.serializer igbinary INI_ALL 自 memcached 0.1.0 起可用。
memcached.use_sasl Off INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.2.0 起可用。自 memcached 3.0.0 起移除。
memcached.default_binary_protocol Off INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。
memcached.default_connect_timeout 0 INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。
memcached.default_consistent_hash Off INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_binary_protocol On INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。替换 memcached.sess_binary
memcached.sess_connect_timeout 1000 INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.2.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_consistent_hash_type ketama INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.1.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_lock_expire 0 INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.2.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_lock_retries 5 INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_lock_wait_max 150 INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。自 memcached 3.1.0 起默认值为 150(之前 2000)。
memcached.sess_lock_wait_min 150 INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。自 memcached 3.1.0 起默认值为 150(之前 1000)。
memcached.sess_persistent Off INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_remove_failed_servers Off INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。替换 memcached.sess_remove_failed
memcached.sess_server_failure_limit 0 INI_ALL 自 memcached 3.0.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_sasl_password null INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.2.0 起可用。
memcached.sess_sasl_username null INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.2.0 起可用。
memcached.store_retry_count 0 INI_ALL 自 memcached 2.2.0 起可用。自 memcached 3.2.0 起默认值为 0(之前是 2)。


memcached.sess_locking bool

开启 session 支持。有效值: OnOff,默认值 On

memcached.sess_consistent_hash bool

如果为 On,session 处理程序则使用一致性哈希(libketama)。 使用一致性哈希,可以保证你在增加或删除 memcached 服务器节点的时候不会导致 session 大规模的失效。 默认是 On

memcached.sess_binary bool

Memcached session 是否使用二进制模式。如果 Libmemcached 开启二进制模式。默认值是 Off

memcached.sess_lock_wait int

Session 自旋锁等待时间(微秒)。请小心设置此值。值的类型是整数,当此值被设置为 0 的时候,lock wait 的时间将会使用系统默认值,Memcached 扩展中默认值是 150000

memcached.sess_prefix string

设置 memcached session key 的前缀。session 前缀最长为 219 字节长的字符串。默认值是 memc.sess.key

memcached.sess_number_of_replicas int

Write data to a number of additional memcached servers. This is "poor man's HA" as libmemcached calls it. If this value is positive and sess_remove_failed_servers is enabled when a memcached server fails the session will continue to be available from a replica. However, if the failed memcache server becomes available again it will read the session from there which could have old data or no data at all. Default is 0.

memcached.sess_randomize_replica_read bool

Memcached session 是否随机复制读。

memcached.sess_remove_failed int

是否允许自动剔除出故障的 memcached 服务器。

memcached.compression_type string

设置 memcached 的压缩类型,允许的值为 fastlzzlib。默认值是 fastlz(快速无损压缩,性能不错)。

memcached.compression_factor float

压缩因子。保存时压缩因子超过设置的极限才会将数据压缩存储。存储压缩条件:plain_len > comp_len * factor。默认是 1.3(节省 23% 的空间)。

memcached.compression_threshold int

压缩阈值。不压缩的序列化值低于此阈值。默认值是 2000 字节。

memcached.serializer string



标准的 PHP JSON 编码。此序列化程序快速而且是压缩后的数据,但是处理 UTF-8 编码数据时会不完全实现序列化。请查看 JSON 扩展。自 memcached 0.2.0 起可用。


json,但是反序列化的时候返回数组。自 memcached 2.0.0 起可用。


PHP 标准序列化


二进制序列化。自 memcached 0.1.4 起可用。


一个跨语言的二进制序列化器。自 memcached 2.2.0 起可用。

如果 igbinary 有效则默认使用它,然后如果 msgpack 有效则使用它,否则使用 php

memcached.use_sasl bool

链接 memcached 服务器时启用 SASL 认证。有效值 OnOff。默认值是 Off

memcached.default_binary_protocol bool

为新连接设置默认 memcached 协议。(如果要为 session 使用配置 memcached 协议,请改用 memcached.sess_binary_protocol。) 如果设置为 On,则默认使用 memcached 二进制协议。如果设置为 Off,则使用 memcached 文本协议。默认为 Off

memcached.default_connect_timeout int

为新连接设置默认的 memcached 连接超时。(要为会话配置 memcached 连接超时,请改用 memcached.sess_connect_timeout。) 在非阻塞模式下,这会更改超时值。以毫秒为单位的套接字连接期间。指定 -1 意味着无限超时。指定 0 意味着使用 memcached 库的默认连接超时。默认为 0

memcached.default_consistent_hash bool

Sets the default for consistent hashing for new connections. (To configure consistent hashing for session connections, use memcached.sess_consistent_hash instead.) If set to On, consistent hashing (libketama) is used for session handling. When consistent hashing is used, one can add or remove cache node(s) without messing up too much with existing keys default is Off.

memcached.sess_binary_protocol bool

Use the memcached binary protocol for memcached sessions instead of the text protocol. libmemcached replicas only work if the binary mode is enabled. However, certain proxies (such as twemproxy) will only work if the binary protocol is disabled. Default is On as of libmemcached 1.0.18. Prior to libmemcached 1.0.18, the default was Off.

注意: 在以前的 php-memcached 版本中,此设置称为 memcached.sess_binary

memcached.sess_connect_timeout int

memcached connect timeout value In non-blocking mode this changes the value of the timeout during socket connection in milliseconds. Specifying -1 means an infinite timeout.

memcached.sess_consistent_hash_type string

Memcached session consistent hash type. If set to ketama, consistent hashing (libketama) is used for session handling. If set to ketama_weighted, weighted consistent hashing (libketama) is used for session handling. Default is ketama. Prior to php-memcached 3.0, the default was ketama_weighted.

memcached.sess_lock_expire int

The time, in seconds, before a lock should release itself. Setting to 0 results in the default behaviour, which is to use PHP's max_execution_time. Default is 0.

memcached.sess_lock_retries int

The number of times to retry locking the session lock, not including the first attempt. Default is 5.

memcached.sess_lock_wait_max int

The maximum time, in milliseconds, to wait between session lock attempts. The default is 150.

memcached.sess_lock_wait_min int

The minimum time, in milliseconds, to wait between session lock attempts. This value is double on each lock retry until memcached.sess_lock_wait_max is reached, after which any further retries will take memcached.sess_lock_wait_max seconds. The default is 150.

memcached.sess_persistent bool

Whether or not to re-use the memcached connections corresponding to the value(s) of session.save_path after the execution of the script ends. Don't use this if certain settings (e.g. SASL settings, sess_binary_protocol) would be overridden between requests. Default is Off.

memcached.sess_remove_failed_servers bool

允许自动移除失败的 memcached 服务器。默认值是 Off

注意: 在以前的 php-memcached 版本中,此设置称为 memcached.sess_remove_failed

memcached.sess_server_failure_limit int

Set this value to enable the server be removed after configured number of continuous times connection failure. Default is 0.

memcached.sess_sasl_password string

Session SASL 密码。 Both username and password need to be set for SASL to be enabled.

memcached.sess_sasl_username string

Session SASL 用户名。 Both username and password need to be set for SASL to be enabled.

memcached.store_retry_count int

存储命令失败后的重试次数。 This mechanism allows transparent fail-over to secondary servers when set/increment/decrement/setMulti operations fail on the desired server in a multi-server environment. The default is 2.

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